Adopt-a-Spot Program

This logo was designed by Mary Osborn and can be customized for any city or town! Mary is one of the many awesome volunteers with Clean Mill Valley! Inspired by Clean Mill Valley’s Adopt-A-Spot Program and Novato Streetscape Committee’s Adopt an Island Program, we’re working hard to take this concept countywide!

The Adopt-a-Spot Program is aimed at enabling individuals, community groups, businesses, churches, schools and other organizations to play an active role in maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of their neighborhoods, prevent pollution from reaching our creeks, bays and ocean and help ensure proper storm water runoff to help prevent localized flooding.

Volunteers, including school age children under the supervision of an adult, come together for projects such as removing litter from streets, sidewalks, and storm drain openings. Adopt-A-Spot projects can also include removing weeds and other unwanted vegetation, and maintaining plants and wildlife habitat.

Form Templates for Municipal and Clean Group Volunteer Programs

Need to develop a form for your municipal volunteer program or new Clean Group? The forms below have been developed to provide easily adaptable templates for municipalities and new Clean Programs to use.

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