Remember, what’s on our streets flows into our creeks!
Get Involved!

Volunteer Programs
Developing tools and providing support to encourage Clean Groups and plan cleanups throughout Marin.

Clean Highways
Working through volunteer and multi-agency partnerships to develop real solutions to reduce the trash load on our highways.

Adopt-A-Spot Program
Adopt a Spot today and play an active role in maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of your neighborhoods, parks, schools, creeks, shorelines and downtowns!

Outreach and Education
Developing web based and social media content, outreach materials and campaigns, and school and business programs to engage the public, promote events, and expand anti-litter campaigns to change social behavior about litter/trash.

Source Control
Assisting and expanding recycling and zero waste programs, developing model local ordinances and product bans, and improving consumer awareness.

Clean Business Program
Take the Clean Business Pledge and take an active part in keeping your community clean!